Monday, August 07, 2006

My Mama Done Told Me

Things my mother taught me:

1. Speak softly but carry a big stick. Teddy Roosevelt may have coined the phrase but he didn't live in our house... my Mother did! She didn't actually carry a big stick, but she didn't need to. When she lowered her voice, we knew enough to stop and listen and heed her warning.

2. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Be nice to your enemies, nothing confuses them or pisses them off more.

3. Never air your dirty laundry in public. When my parents divorced after 42 years of marriage, family and friends were shocked. They thought they had a happy marriage. The immediate family knew better. We knew about the abuse... physical and mental.

4. Never argue with a drunk. A drunk doesn't listen and he won't remember it when he sobers up. Besides that, it's fun to listen to him argue with himself!

5. If someone shares a confidence with you... KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. One thing I could always be sure of... if I told my Mother something and asked her not to tell anyone, she never did. She went to her grave with many, many secrets.

6. Always tell the truth. Telling the truth is easier than trying to keep your stories straight.

7. Read. Read. Read. Books were my Mother's friends. Since my Dad kept her from having friends or going anywhere, she lived vicariously through the books she read. She always told me I could travel the world over, explore, learn about history and be whoever I wanted by immersing myself in books.

8. Be true to myself. Don't let anyone else control my life. Don't do anything that goes against my beliefs or ethics.

9. Treat your family with respect. Please, thank you and just all around common courtesy should be given to family and not just reserved for friends.

10. One thing she taught me after she died.... Tell the people who are close to you that you love them. Don't assume they know... hug them, kiss them, show them and tell them!


Anonymous said...

Grandma was very wise! As are you. I love you :)

MiMaw said...

Only Daughter: Just as my mother gave me these pearls of wisdom... I give them to you. I love you, too.

stinkypaw said...

Nice life lesson/rules. I've always said to treat your family like you would friends, and I soooo can understand and appreciate her last lesson, never assume that they know.