Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Give It Your Best Shot!

Finish the following:

Why did the chicken cross the road? _______________________

A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar _________________

Or how about answering these?

What is your most blonde moment?

What is your most triumphant moment?

What is your most embarrassing moment?

What is your happiest? saddest? most disgusting? hot damn! moment?


Red said...

-To get to the other side

-And then all three say "ow"


MiMaw said...

Red: -but why? to get on the bus going downtown!
-"Ow" that was a good answer!! (Still giggling over that).

Jaek said...

1. He had been walking for days with the traffic at his back. Suddenly, he realized it would be better if he walked against the flow of traffic. Hence, the crossing.

2. ...and the bartender says, "Is this some kind of joke?"

I'll have to think about the other stuff.

stinkypaw said...

1. ...because it can!
2. sat down and talked about golf.

My blondest moment when I realised that I had left my cell phone in the pocket of my robe that I had just thrown in the washer!

My most triumphant moment was after I did my test for my second dan in karate, within a year of having an ACL reconstruction (knee surgery)!

My most embarrassing moment is whenever I say something out loud that should have remained in my brain!

My happiest moment was the day we got married on the beach and the day I managed to surprise my mom for her 60th birthday (with 100 guests!).

My saddest moment was when I saw my father at the morgue.

My most disgusting moment is EVERY time I see nest of spiders! Aaarrgh!

Guinness_Girl said...

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he left his corkscrew over there.

A priest, a rabbi, and a minister walk into a bar and each order a pint of Guinness. As the men are sitting there with their beers, discussing religion and the ways of the world, three flies nose-dive, one into each glass.

The minister says, "God, bless this young fly whose life has so cruelly been cut short. May he rest in peace with Your divine grace in the kingdom of heaven." He then takes a sip of his beer, ignoring the fly.

The rabbi says, "It is our deeds in this life that are rewarded." He fishes the fly out of the beer and waits, anxiously, to see if the fly will survive.

The priest reaches into his glass, grabs the fly, and begins shaking it, while yelling, "Spit it out, you bastard! Spit it out!"

MiMaw said...

Jaek: It's a chicken!
(3 clergy) That was my answer!

Stinkypaw: Both answers too logical!
I have a lot of those moments, "I say something out loud that should have remained in my brain!"

GG: I suppose it was YOUR corkscrew?
OMG! I laughed so hard I snorted... "Spit it out!" still laughing (the Polish Prince loved it!)