Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's a Jungle Out There

Labor Day weekend was pretty darn good. The Polish Prince took me shopping and to the Outback for dinner with no comment on how much money I spent shopping or he spent on dinner!

Monday we went to Binder Zoo with some friends. It isn't a very big or animal populated zoo and not top on my list of favorite zoos, but it was nice. It was Labor Day, a holiday AND the day before all the Little People go back to school so parents from miles around decided to treat their Little People to a day at the zoo! Honestly, I didn't mind them. Animals in the cage and animals running around outside the cage... what's the dif? It was crowded but I got a kick out of watching the Little People and their reactions to some of the animals. Especially the giraffes. There is a 'feeding' spot where the girafee come up and people can feed them (you can purchase the food behind you for a nominal fee). I didn't feed them because I was having too much fun photographing them and watching the kids. Like this one:

It was awesome to get so close to the giraffes. Did you know they have the same number of vertabrae in their neck as we do? The Ranger asked the question and guess who got it right? Moi!

Blogger and I are having a discussion right now. I want to add more pictures to this post and it doesn't want me to. Guess who won? Soooo this post will be continued.... in Part Deux.

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