Wednesday, September 06, 2006

First Day of School

Yesterday was my grandson's first day of school AND his 6th birthday. I called to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and to see how his day in First Grade turned out. He didn't have a whole lot to say. He isn't much of a phone person, I guess. He is SO not like his father in that respect!!

Today, I stepped back in time when the phone rang shortly after 8:00 pm and the Mineral King (aka Jaek... my Firstborn) called to tell me how HIS first day of school was. Yes, it brought back memories as I listened to his excited chatter about school. It thrilled me that he wanted to share his day with me. Makes a Momma proud!

I am so happy for him. He has the opportunity to do something he has wanted to do for a long time. Going back to college with a wife and two small children isn't going to be easy, but he will handle it and do great! He is a very intelligent, hard-working individual who has goals and has been given the chance to meet those goals. He will do it with Flying Aces!

I wanted to make this tomorrow's post but decided put it in tonight because my post about the holiday weekend is sitting in 'Drafts' ...why? BECAUSE I CAN'T UPLOAD MY PHOTOS!!!! Even so, this was a good one to post 'cause I am a PROUD MAMA!


Red said...

Awww! A mom's got a right to be proud.

stinkypaw said...

That's a mother's perquisite! Best of luck to Jaek and your grandson!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys are SO cute!! I still call Mom and share everything with her, too. Way to go, Jaek! I finished my degree a year ago - better late than never! And my husband is getting his master's now. I think it is never too late to get out there and do what you want to do. (I also think highly of any guy who will call and chatter to his mom - kinda makes me teary-eyed, actually.)