Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Home In-Movement

I am never, ever moving again! I know I have said this before, but this time I really mean it! I am getting too old for this sh*t! Plus the fact twenty years of accumulated junk takes sooo long to load up, move and unload... and eventually (maybe) put it away in some semblance of organized chaos!

We decided (it was a unanimous vote on My Man's part) to move the stuff from the barn, workshop, shed and the furnace room in the basement over this past weekend. A majority of it got moved but there is still a lot of sh-tuff out there.

One of the Brothers Grimm showed up on Friday and the other one showed up on Saturday with his Man-Child. My #1 Son, his Wife and Little People came over on Saturday to help. Ho-boy! It was hot and sticky so by the end of the day everyone was tired, sore and cranky. We all worked hard... even the Little People! I truly appreciated all my #1 Daughter in Law's help. I couldn't have gotten my Job done without her. I was so proud of the Little People! They might be short, but they worked hard carrying stuff from the furnace room and on up to the garage and then on to the trailer.

Everyone was more than ready for dinner but not so ready for the next leg of the journey... going to the new house to unload! Several loads had already been taken over and dumped there, but the final load of the night was done in slow motion. The heat, the work and a full stomach slowed everyone down. But it got done!

We started again on Sunday (we as in... the guys worked and I mostly supervised and cooked meals). Baby Son came over to help. He was the monkey in the rafters! Climbing up and dragging all the odds and ends which had made it's way up there over the past 6 years. It was pretty much a repeat of the previous day... load up the trailers and trucks and take them over to the new house and dump them in the garage and/or the barn (it isn't really a barn, more of a huge outbuilding but we haven't decided how to refer to it... shop, maybe?) It threatened rain all day so the humidity level was high making it feel like a sauna in both barns. Once again, dinner was a welcome relief but it was after 10:00pm when I started cooking hotdogs and hamburgers. But no more moving after dinner. There wasn't a whole lot of movement by the guys either! Most had taken a shower while I cooked so after dinner they all staggered off to bed.

Monday... the work day started later and all guys worked a lot s-l-o-w-e-r. It was only one big haul... one truck and trailer load. I stayed at home and they all rode together. My Man gave him the scenic tour on the way home. I fixed spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast for dinner. Showers and dinner out of the way... they decided to watch Tomb Raider... just to gawk at Lara Croft methinks, although they said it was for the action (yeah, sure... I believe that!). Aww shucks, they deserve it!

Tuesday.... youngest brother went home first --he had a 5 hour drive ahead of him. Other brother was taking younger brother's man-child with him to stay for two weeks at the Matriarch Mother's house. BUT we had to go to the new house because they forgot to bring some chairs back with them so not as to waste a trip... a trailer and two trucks were loaded. We followed them in our truck... but about 5 minutes down the road, we had turn around because man-child forgot his retainers. Got smart though... did what I should have done in the first place (before leaving)... did a walk thru and found a number of items they had forgotten! Finally, got to the new house and while the guys were unloading I walked around. I found a berry patch... big, fat, juicy red raspberries ....and I found big honkin' mulberries!

The last of our movers gone... we sat in lawn chairs up by the cow gate and enjoyed the breeze and the view of our new property. Okay so we sat for about 5 minutes... then My Man weed whacked, mowed a patch of lawn and ran the rototiller over the garden... then sat for awhile longer. We finally headed back and vegged out for the rest of the night.

All that moving and it doesn't even include the household stuff... a little but only stuff packed in boxes for the past 6 to 10 years. Still have a few more truck/trailer loads to take out of the workshop and barn but at least it is a start! I get to start cleaning and painting...Whoopee! Now what we need is a buyer for this house! Pray! Pray! Pray!


Jaek said...

I'll be the next one to move so you have to help me.

I will also grill meat in payment. You can't go wrong with grilled meat.

Your new neighbors look delicious.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when I see it!