Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Full of Beans

Doctors have concluded that, if you find the man in 3 seconds, then the right half of your brain is better developed than most people.
If you find the man between 3 seconds and one minute, then your right half of the brain is developed normally.
If you find the man between one minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein.
If you have not found the man after 3 minutes, the right half of your brain is a mess, and the only advice is to look for more of these types of exercises to make that part of the brain stronger.
The man is really there. Keep looking!
Only Daughter sent this to me (not Other Daughter).
I thought it was cool and wanted to share with ya'll.

Yesterday's post... today's outcome
The house showing was a good/bad thing. The couple said the house wasn't for them, but he is a Realtor and will definitely keep our house in mind for potential buyers. Wah Wah Okay I'm done crying about it. There is an Open House on Sunday.... so keep the good thoughts, prayers, etc coming fast and furious!


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how many seconds, but it was fast, and OMG how creepy LOL!!!

Good luck on the open house!!

Anonymous said...

I agree! When I sent the message to her I stated that it was very creepy!

stinkypaw said...

Don't know how many seconds but was fast, so that makes my brain normal?! ok! thanks!

Good luck with the Open House this weekend!

MiMaw said...

Yes it is creepy.

Open House was good. A few interested people but they have houses to sell. The domino effect. Keep thinking good thoughts 'cuz it's working.

MiMaw said...

Yep. Creepy.

Open House went good. Several interested parties but they have houses to sell. The domino effect. Keep thinking good thoughts cuz it's working!