Saturday, July 29, 2006

Starry, Starry Night

Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue and grey. Look out on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.

(This is the opening lines to a song. Does anyone know the name of the song and the artist? No cheating! Just off the top of your head...make a guess.)

I walked outside at 11:00pm DST and ugh...the heat and humidity slapped me in the face like a warm, wet washcloth. The dampness in the air was so heavy it clung to me. The darkness surrounded me. I looked up and was awestruck by the vast array of stars in the sky. The more stars visible, the more insignificant I feel.

I stared up into the night sky listening to all the sounds of the darkness. Frogs and crickets creating a cacophony of music and yet it held a melody all its own. I let the warm night hold me close for a few moments more then retreated into the cool comfort of the house.

All winter long I wait for the long, hot days of Summer. There's always so much I want to do to enjoy it. Picnics, going to the zoo, the park, travelling and camping (I miss camping a lot.) The past 3 summers have been nothing but work, work, work until exhaustion overtakes us.

Three years ago, we decided to have the family reunion here so a lot of unfinished projects needed 'finishing'. It took the whole summer, right up to the day of the reunion (August 15th) to get them done. Didn't realize how hard I had pushed myself until I ended up in the Emergency room 4 days later... heart attack!

One would think I learned my lesson but no, last year we spent the summer getting the house ready to sell. We keep finding things to fix up or to improve to make it more appealing to prospective buyers but.... we are a year later and the house isn't sold yet! We buy another house which needs some sprucing up so this summer is spent going back and forth between houses, doing what needs to be done.

I am tired (I tire so-o-o easily now) and so sore every night. I wake up feeling as if I haven't slept or even rested my weary bones. I keep getting chest pains but don't know if it is muscle spasms or something more serious. Of course, if I could lose about ^% or &) pounds I would feel a helluva lot better. But that's a lost cause!

I watch as my summer drifts away from me without having done anything FUN! or EXCITING!


Anonymous said...

1) That was beautifully written.
2) It's 11:00pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) not DST (daylight savings time?)
3) Maybe you should go to the doctor about your chest pains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!

MiMaw said...

1) Thank you.
2) I hesitated when I wrote EDT which should have clued me in that it was wrong. Thanks. 'preciate it.
3) Not yet. We'll see. Still think it's muscle spasms.
4) No guess on the song or singer???

stinkypaw said...

No idea for the song - sorry!

You should seriously take care of yourself if you want to be around to enjoy the new house, family and go back to camping.
Don't dismiss the chest pains it could be something more serious.

Being alive, I'm sure, is a lot more fun and exciting than being dead! Take care!

MiMaw said...

Stinkypaw: Mom, is that you? ...speaking from 'beyond' through Stinkypaw? Seriously, thank you for your words of concern. I am keeping close watch on the situation. The pains serve as a reminder to slow down and take it easy.

I am sure being alive is better than dead, but even if it's not... don't want to find out!

I LOVE your blog! Thanks for reading mine!

Anonymous said...

1)You're welcome
2)You're welcome
3)Just do it!
4)No idear.

Anonymous said...

The song is "Vincent" (it's about Vincent Van Gogh and his painting "Starry Night"). Written by Don McLean in 1971, it was recently redone by Josh Groban. I love both versions - something really haunting about this song.

I love that insignificant feeling of a sky full of stars. I can do without the humidity, though, lol. I know what you mean about pushing yourself. It seems we're all doing that most of the time, because somehow we feel like the world will fall apart if we don't get everything done. All those stars tell us that it won't, though. Please take care. You have a few more days of summer. You've got time to do something fun. Go do it.

MiMaw said...

Tammara wins 1,000,000 useless points! I sent an email to Only Daughter earlier "Vincent by Don McLean (song about Vincent VanGogh… a dark, morbid, beautiful song)." You had much more info... who is Josh Gordon?

I know there is time to do something fun, but convincing My Man to join me is another story.

Thanks for good thoughts.

Only Daughter: see above

Red said...

It's called Vincent! Not sure who originally sang it. I love that song.

MiMaw said...

Red: Yup! Vincent was written and sang by Don McLean.

Jaek said...

I second Daughter...see a doctor...I don't want another call from (Your Man) saying ,"Umm...your Mother is in the hospital because she had a heart attack. Talk to ya later." That sucks.

When I get back from Canada, let's get Daughter and her Cop and the kids and do the zoo thing. We could get you an Amigo cart or something.

And the Josh Groban that Tammara mentioned, I think was on American Idol. Why, oh why, do I know this?

MiMaw said...

Jaek: It isn't getting worse and I don't know if it is chest pains, muscle spasms or boob pains!

Thought about the zoo excursion. Would love to! Sounds fun & exciting. You promised me two years ago to take me and the kids there but I'll forgive you if you can coordinate all into going when it cools off. There should be plenty of places to sit along the way so I won't need an Amigo cart. Thankyouverymuch.

Buzz! Wrong! Josh Groban was not on American Idol. Checked out a portion of his version of "Vincent". It is nice, but I like Don McLean's better.

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Don McClean and the song is titled "Starry Night"

MiMaw said...

Sorry Ranger is Don McLean and "Vincent". So glad you stopped by though!